Goddess of War (The Jessica Keller Chronicles Book 4) Page 38
That’s on purpose.
She’s a woman, sure. But she’s not defined by being a woman. Fribourg would love to do that, and they frequently make that mistake, because to them a woman is a frilly, lesser creature who can’t be trusted to handle her own affairs. Even today, we fall into that trap. When a woman does something any number of men have done, how often does the media focus on her gender rather than her accomplishments? What does that imply? Why have we failed?
So remind your daughters and your nieces that they don’t have to settle for whatever crumbs a man deigns to share with them. They can take their own slice of life and crack the long bones for the marrow without having to have a man do it for them.
Jessica Keller is, for me, a feminist icon of a woman who will do things her way, rather than how a man thinks she should behave. She’s not a Bond sex kitten. She’s not a man–hating harpy. She is a fully–realized human being, who happens to be smarter than most of the people around her, and driven to achievement by her own demons.
Stop thinking that a woman has to be a bimbo, and start appreciating them as people.
Okay, rant over. Raw nerve.
This is Book Four: Goddess of War. The first three were a single tale, covering what we might call The Rise of Jessica Keller. She is a Fleet Lord now, and she is going to take the war to Fribourg. At present, I expect that there will be something around nine novels in Jessica’s arc, plus a number of side characters and events I want to explore in short stories and novellas that will serve to fill in gaps and provide depth. (I have an encyclopedia of notes. Literally. 15,000 words right this moment, and over 100 pages.)
I have already started writing book five as you read this, and that is where things get really interesting. All the rest of the titles and plots have been worked out at this point, at least in broad enough detail to do an elevator pitch.
It’s not that I write into darkness. I do, but I always have the end points in my head and then it’s just a matter of getting there. Jessica will be no different, because I know how the overall plot will go across the last five novels beyond this one. It will be the little details that surprise and delight me.
With any luck, I will have delighted you enough that you join me.
shade and sweet water,
West of the Mountains, WA
Be sure to read the first three volumes of The Jessica Keller Chronicles:
Queen of the Pirates
Last of the Immortals
Available at your favorite retailers.
Vo Arlo survived the destruction of Alexandria Station and RAN Auberon.
In between assignments, at a small college on a back–water planet, he stumbles into a mystery when the prettiest girl on campus suddenly starts throwing herself at him.
Vo, the former gutter punk from the streets.
What will it cost him to understand why he attracts such attention?
Siren takes place between Last of the Immortals and Goddess of War.
Available at your favorite retailers.
Fairchild loves to fly.
Particularly through the awesomely huge storms that the planet Escudra VI forms, creating the best whitewater that she can find in the sky.
Never mind that the scientists back at base camp warn her off the beast coalescing in front of her.
Or that her own equipment starts to misbehave.
She can outwit this storm. Thread the needle and come out laughing on the other side.
Dying happens to other people. Never her. Not Fairchild.
Fairchild—an exciting new hard science–fiction novel by Blaze Ward—begins the adventures of a whole new type of hero.
Available at your favorite retailers.
Also by Blaze Ward
The Jessica Keller Chronicles
Queen of the Pirates
Last of the Immortals
Goddess of War
Additional Alexandria Station Stories
The Story Road
The Science Officer Series
The Science Officer
The Mind Field
The Gilded Cage
Doyle Iwakuma Stories
The Librarian
Greater Than The Gods Intended
Other Science Fiction Stories
Earthquake Gun
Moscow Gold
White Crane
The Collective Universe
The Shipwrecked Mermaid
About the Author
Blaze Ward writes science fiction in the Alexandria Station universe: The Jessica Keller Chronicles, The Science Officer series, The Doyle Iwakuma Stories, and others. He also writes about The Collective as well as The Fairchild Stories and Modern Gods superhero myths. You can find out more at his website www.blazeward.com, as well as Facebook, Goodreads, and other places.
Blaze’s works are available as ebooks, paper, and audio, and can be found at a variety of online vendors (Kobo, Amazon, iBooks, and others). His newsletter comes out quarterly, and you can also follow his blog on his website. He really enjoys interacting with fans, and looks forward to any and all questions—even ones about his books!
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Knotted Road Press
Copyright © 2016 Blaze Ward
All rights reserved
Published by Knotted Road Press
Cover art:
Copyright © philcold | Far Planets Photo
Cover and interior design copyright © 2016 Knotted Road Press
ISBN: 978-1-943663-19-4
Table of Contents
Overture: Seventh Son
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV
Chapter LVI
Chapter LVII
Chapter LVIII
Chapter LIX
Chapter LX
Chapter LXI
Chapter LXII
Chapter LXIII
Chapter LXIV
Chapter LXV
Chapter LXVI
Chapter LXVII
Chapter LXVIII
Chapter LXIX
Chapter LXX
Chapter LXXI
Chapter LXXII
Chapter LXXIII
Chapter LXXIX
Chapter LXXX
Chapter LXXXI
Chapter LXXXII
Chapter LXXXIV
Chapter LXXXV
Chapter LXXXVI
Chapter LXXXIX
Chapter XC
Chapter XCI
Chapter XCII
Chapter XCIII
Chapter XCIV
Chapter XCV
Chapter XCVI
Chapter XCVII
Chapter XCVIII
Epilogue: City of Saxilby
Goddess of War Cast List
Author’s Note
Also by Blaze Ward
About the Author
About Knotted Road Press